Wednesday, March 11, 2020

This Womans Viral Childbirth Story Proves How Resilient Women Are

This Womans Viral Childbirth Story Proves How Resilient Women Are Aresourceful, millennial mom from Nashville, TN tweeted the story of how she gave birth alone in a hotel room in Turkey, teaching herbeiself via YouTube videos. , though she claims she doesnt quite understand whats so special about her delivery.Well, its special for a few reasons. For one, shedelivered the baby alone. For two, she delivered the baby alone ina foreign country. For three, she delivered the baby alone in a foreign country and then had toleave the country with a brand new baby.Sound crazy? Take her word for it...Freeman had no idea she welches pregnant, and shed already booked this solo vacation in Germany via Turkey. When she found out she was having a baby, she wasnt about to cancel her plans.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterEverything was going great, barring the fact that the airline didnt offer any vegetarian options. Freeman was forced to eatsome salmon hoping she wouldnt get sick... but, e ventually, her stomach started bothering her.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterShe survived the plane ride and lands in Istanbul, but she was still feeling way off and the customs line was out of control.Source TwitterThats when she realized She was in labor.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterShemade it back to her hotel with little time to spare, and shedid what any millennial would do She YouTubed how to give birth.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterAnd then, casually, she had a water birth in her hotel bathroom tub without a hitch.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterOf course, the story doesnt end there. She still needed to cut the placenta andclean upthe aftermath...Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterMind you, Freeman still had a connection to catch to Germany the next day, and she didnt know how to carry a newborn baby out of the airport, so she went to the airport to inquire. After much speculation, they helped her out.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterThats about when the press showed up...Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterShe was escorted to a hospital to make koranvers she and her newborn son were healthy. Which they were.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterAnd then she flew home where more press were waiting for her since her story went totally, justifiably viral.Source TwitterSource TwitterSource TwitterOnly in 2018 would a woman single-handedly give birth via YouTube and then recap the whole story with memes on Twitter. Now Freeman is asking for help with funds via Cash App because babies are expensive.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a multimedia journalist and an adventure aficionado with a keen cultural curiosity and an affinity for solotravel. Shes an editor by day and a travel blogger at by night.

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